Perennial grain cropping systems provide many beneficial attributes for the environment as compared to their annual analogues . Perennial crops are more resource-use efficiency and contribute less to soil erosion. The domestication of the perennial Intermediate Wheatgrass (IWG) for grain and forage production is being developed and a semi-commercial variety is currently used (i.e. Kernza®) in USA and Canada. However, the effect(s) of domestication on the
Perennial grain cropping systems provide many beneficial attributes for the environment as compared to their annual analogues . Perennial crops are more resource-use efficiency and contribute less to soil erosion. The domestication of the perennial Intermediate Wheatgrass (IWG) for grain and forage production is being developed and a semi-commercial variety is currently used (i.e. Kernza®) in USA and Canada. However, the effect(s) of domestication on the

Scientific Publications

Toubiana, D; Puzis, R; Wen, L; Sikron, N; Kurmanbayeva, A; Soltabayeva, A; Wilhelmi, MDR; Sade, N; Fait, A; Sagi, M; Blumwald, E; Elovici, Y*. Combined network analysis and machine learning allows the prediction of metabolic pathways from tomato metabolomics data. COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY. 2019 June; Vol.2:214.[ Agricultural and Biological Sciences,IF:6.5 10/322 (Q1)]
Toubiana, D; Sade, N^; Liu, L; Wilhelmi, MDR; Brotman, Y; Luzarowska, U; Vogel, JP; Blumwald, E. Correlation-based network analysis combined with machine learning techniques highlight the role of the GABA shunt in Brachypodium sylvaticum freezing tolerance. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2020 March; Vol. 10: 4489. [ Multidisciplinary,IF:4.99 11/137 (Q1)]
Umnajkitikorn, K; Sade, N; Wilhelmi, MDR; Gilbert, ME; Blumwald, E*. Silencing of OsCV (chloroplast vesiculation) maintained photorespiration and N assimilation in rice plants grown under elevated CO2. PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT. 2020 April; Vol.43:pp. 920-933. [ Plant Science,IF:7.9 22/494 (Q1)]
Sade, D; Sade, N; Brotman, Y; Czosnek, H*. Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV)-resistant tomatoes share molecular mechanisms sustaining resistance with their wild progenitor Solanum habrochaites but not with TYLCV-susceptible tomatoes. PLANT SCIENCE. 2020 June; Vol. 295: 110439. [ Plant Science, IF:5.3 41/494 (Q1)]
Gal, A; Hendel, E; Peleg, Z; Schwartz, N*; Sade, N*. Measuring the hydraulic conductivity of grass root systems. CURRENT PROTOCOLS IN PLANT BIOLOGY. 2020 June; Vol.5: e20110. [ Plant Science, IF:2.79 120/494 (Q1)]
Sade, N*; Weng, F; Tajima, H; Zeron, Y; Zhang, L; Wilhelmi, MDR; Day, G; Peleg, Z; Blumwald, E*. A cytoplasmic receptor-like kinase contributes to salinity tolerance. PLANTS-BASEL. 2020 October; Vol.9:1383. [ Plant Science,IF:4.6 93/494(Q1)]
Grunwald, Y; Wigoda, N; Sade, N; Yaaran, A; Torne, T; Gosa, SC; Moran, N; Moshelion, M*. Arabidopsis leaf hydraulic conductance is regulated by xylem sap pH, controlled, in turn, by a P-type H+-ATPase of vascular bundle sheath cells. THE PLANT JOURNAL. 2021 April;Vol.106:301-313. [ Plant Science, IF:7 21/494 (Q1)]
Kelly, G; Brandsma, D; Egbaria, A; Stein, O;Doron-Faigenboim, A; Lugassi, N; Belausov, E; Zemach, H; Shaya, F; Carmi, N; Sade, N; Granot, D*. Guard cells control hypocotyl elongation through HXK1, HY5 and PIF4. COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY. 2021 June;Vol 21:765 [Agricultural and Biological Sciences,IF:6.5 10/322 (Q1)]
Bar-On, L*; Garlando, U; Sophocleous, M; Jog, A; Ros, PM; Sade, N; Avni, A; Shacham-Diamand, Y; Demarchi, D. Electrical Modelling of In-Vivo Impedance Spectroscopy of Nicotiana tabacum Plants. FRONTIERS IN ELECTRONICS. 2021 September ;Vol 2:753145 [IF: N/A ]
Zhang, F; Wu, J; Sade, N; Wu, S; Egbaria, A; Fernie, AR; Yan, J; Qin, F; Chen, W; Brotman, Y; Dai, M*. Genomic basis underlying the metabolome-mediated drought adaptation of maize. GENOME BIOLOGY. 2021 September; Vol 22(1):260 [ Genetics, IF 17.9 5/344(Q1) ]
Zhang, Y; Kilambi, HV; Liu, J;Bar, H;Lazary, S; Egbaria, A; Ripper, D; Charrier, L; Belew, ZM; Wulff, N; Damodaran, S; Nour-Eldin, HH; Aharoni, A;Ragni, L; Strader, L; Sade, N; Weinstain, R; Geisler, M; Shani, E*.ABA homeostasis and long-distance translocation are redundantly regulated by ABCG ABA importers. SCIENCE ADVANCES. 2021 October; Vol 22:eabf6069 [ Multidisciplinary sciences,IF:14.9 3/137 (Q1) ]
Ahouvi, Y; Haber, Z; Zach, YY; Rosental, L; Toubiana, D; Sharma, D; Alseekh, S; Tajima, H; Fernie, AR; Brotman, Y; Blumwald, E; Sade, N*. The Alteration of Tomato Chloroplast Vesiculation Positively Affects Whole-Plant Source–Sink Relations and Fruit Metabolism under Stress Conditions. PLANT CELL PHYSIOLOGY 2022 September Vol pcac133 [ Plant Science, IF 4.9 26/494(Q1) ]
Haber, Z; Wilhelmi, MDR; Fernández-Bayo, JD; Harrold, DR; Stapleton, JJ; Toubiana, D; VanderGheynst, JS; Blumwald, E; Simmons, CW; Sade, N*; Achmon, Y*. The effect of circular soil biosolarization treatment on the physiology, metabolomics, and microbiome of tomato plants under certain abiotic stresses. FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE. 2022 November [ Plant Science, IF 6.6 33/494(Q1) ]
Kelly G, Yaaran A, Gal A, Egbaria, A, Brandsma D, Belausov E, Wolf D, David-Schwartz R, Granot D, Eyal Y, Carmi N, Sade, N* Guard cell activity of PIF4 and HY5 control transpiration and plant growth. PLANT SCIENCE. 2023 March Vol 328:111583 [Plant Science, IF:5.3 41/494 (Q1)]
Khait, I; Lewin-Epstein, O; Sharon, R; Saban, K; Goldstein, R; Anikster Y; Zeron, Y; Agassy C; Nizan S; Sharabi G; Perelman, R; Boonman, A; Sade, N, Yovel Y, Hadany L*. Sounds emitted by plants under stress are airborne and informative. Cell. 2023 March Vol 186: 1328-1336.e10 [Biology (miscellaneous), IF:66.8 1/271 (Q1)]
Puli, M; Muchoki, P; Yaaran, A; Gershon, N; Dalal, A; Nalufunjo, F; Abadi, S; Haber, Z; Sade, N*; Yalovsky, S*. A tomato ROP GTPase regulates stomatal aperture by suppressing NADPH oxidase induced ROS and is a possible target for improving water use efficiency. Nature Plants. Plant Science, IF:17.3 5/494 (Q1)]
Gal, A; Dalal, A; Anfang, M; Muchaki, P; Kumar, R; Egbaria, A;Binenbaum, J; Estefani Duarte, K; Kelly, G; Rodrigo de Souza, W; Sade, N*. Gas exchange tracks root hydraulic conductivity which in term regulated by plasma membrane AQPs in Setaria Viridis. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY. [Plant Science, IF:8 18/494 (Q1)]

Sade, N*; Peleg, Z. Future challenges for global food security under climate change. PLANT SCIENCE. 2020 June; Vol. 295: 110467. [ Plant Science, IF:5.3 41/494 (Q1), ]
Vallarino, JG; Hong, J; Wang, S; Wang, X; Orf, I; Shen, S; Cuadros-Inostroza, A; Xu, Q; Sade, N; Luo, J; Fernie, AR; Brotman Y. Metabolite-based genome-wide association studies in plants: deciphering the genetic control of the metabolome. PLANT SCIENCE. [ Plant Science, IF:5.3 41/494 (Q1)]